REFILL + Puff 1pc inside
We Go Together like COPY & PASTE
Take Your Complexion to The Next Level.
Introduce you the #1st Local HYBRID Mesh Cushion in Indonesia!
Specially Created for Indonesian Skin Tone & Humidity of Tropical Weather.
With Breathable Technology, Non-Comedogenic Certified (psst...It Won't Clog Your Pores!), Long Lasting, & lots of skincare benefits, DAMNN...Our friendship will last forever!
Finishing : Morning Healthy Glow finish
Coverage: Medium ,Buildable, Featherlight & Smooth
Colour Choice:
❤️ PERLE [NEW]: Light - Pink undertone
❤️ BIJOUX [NEW]: Light - Yellow undertone
❤️ NINA [NEW]: Light Medium - Neutral undertone
❤️ SERENE: Light Medium - Pink undertone
❤️ CHARLOTTE: Light Medium - Neutral undertone
❤️ ECLAIR [NEW]: Medium - Pink undertone
❤️ COCO: Medium - Yellow undertone
❤️ GODDESS [NEW]: Medium - Yellow undertone
❤️ BUTTER: Light - Pink Undertone (Cool)
❤️ LINEN: Medium Deep - Neutral Undertone
Push the puff gently into the mesh cushion. Pick up the right amount of product each time & work in layers. Use a Light-Tapping motion , it can gives you control & most natural-looking finish. DO NOT SWIPE! Create a different anlge shape with the puff. Don’t forget to Double Cleanse your Puff regularly to keep it clean and fresh. Use a Cleansing Oil/Oil Based Cleanser to remove all the makeup completely ======================== Tekan Puff secara perlahan ke mesh cushion. Ambil secukupnya jangan terlalu banyak & ulangi dengan layer berikutnya Gunakan gerakan Sentuhan-Ringan, itu dapat membantumu meng-kontrol & hasil yang sangat natural. JANGAN DIGESER! Jangkau tempat berbeda dengan membentuk puff-mu. Jangan lupa untuk membersihkan Puff-mu secara teratur untuk menjaganya tetap bersih & fresh Gunakan Cleansing oil /Oil based cleanser untuk membersihkan makeup yang menempel diwajah
212 Reviews
Skin Type | Oily Skin |
Concern | Anti Aging, Noda Hitam, Kulit Kering, Pori Besar |
Age | 25 |